Lets be honest, we all feel horrible about ourselves sometimes. So this is a how-to blog on how to be more accepting and forgiving for yourself. First of all, when you realize you getting upset about something you did or how you look, think of all the things you love about yourself. I know thats what everyone probably says. But I promise it works. Its what my therapist taught me. It does take a little bit of time but once it starts to work, it sticks into your brain. Second, if you just dwelling on your past mistakes distract yourself! Do something you love. Go outside. Doing things you love and going outside release dopamine which is a chemical in your brain that releases happy feelings.

Something I’ve also noticed that sometimes you feel the way you feel because your afraid of what other think of you. So something to help with that is to just stop caring. It can be so scary you feel like crying but just push through it. People will love you for who you are if you just be yourself. Like always though if this doesn’t work you can always talk to a trusted friend, parent, sibling, and/or counselor. You could even talk to a trusted teacher.

Just a little reminder too I have provided a quote that I love for you to hear now. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest achievement” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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